Viewing Fish At Fish Harbor is the next our destination we visit back at HangZhou and here is few photos of the place...

entering the entrance you will see a lot of flowers

after passing the row of flowers we come to the peacocks

one of the peacock spread it beautiful feather

also there is few white peacock which is rare

we were lucky to see the white peacock spread it feather about 1 hour or so

but the other white peacock we saw didn't spread it feather just ignoring us...

still ignoring us

saw 2 peacock resting

opposite it there is a pond

this tree kinda look like a human..

here got lot of red koi fishes...

The view of Leifeng Pagoda

Leifeng Pagoda across the West Lake

as we walking along we came across this couple taking their pre wedding photos here

at the entrance we also saw another couple just arrive for their pre wedding photos.

After spending few hours here snapping photos and have a group photos here, we head for dinner and watch our last show The Impression Of West Lake which I'll post it later before we head to the airport to catch our midnight flight back to Malaysia.
Oh! I still remember the lovely white peacock :)
Wow, the white peacock is beautiful..
nice white peacock, first time seeing it :D
Very nice place..Nice..My funny special for u..don’t forget to laugh ya Check Here
Wow..lucky u!
Love the white peacock and also the red koi fishes!!!
beautiful peacock
that's alot of red koi fishes!
the white peacock is just so BEAUTIFUL!!!!!
imma having thoughts of me having my house v a pond full of koi(s)!
have to agree with the others.. the peacock is magnificent!!!
The peacock's really beautiful... and that's a lot of koi..
Amazing Journey!!
Looks like u had fun. ^^
Hi, just visiting.
wow..the white peacock very pretty!!!! i never noe got white peacock one..so nice...
beautiful peacocks, wonder are they albino?
Hangzhou is lovely..The white peacock looks so lovely, first time seeing it.
wow the white peacock is v nice
Beautiful scenery..wish I could go there someday too. :) Jealous2.. hehe
white peacock looks so nice! :D
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