the ticket is RMB 160 for 1 day entry

It was closely packed, uncountable and never ending Chinese people rushing into the gate you can smell their body odour...oowww man.... the place pack like sardines....

here is some of Pavilions of different countries you see inside

The Malaysian Pavilion

There is also some street performance show

Check out the changing photos

you will never miss this sight.. few of the Chinese tired out and sleeping in the open

The Expo Axis during the night time, the lighting was beautiful

Sadly my sister and her husband didn't visit inside the Pavilions as waiting in line is almost 3 hour... *faint* at each pavilions. I'll be going to Shanghai again this coming October to watch the closing ceremony of the Expo. So stay tune for my second visit to Shanghai again a visit to Shanghai World Expo 2010 soon.
wow the amount of people is scary
Omg, you're going to the closing ceremony! Awesomeness!!!
such a lovely festival
Wah, nice!!!
Awww, I want to be there!!!
i saw giant fish! ;D our country's one isnt bad after all rite. got ppl painting batik on the spot there!
its freaking pack.. there are few hundred pavillion.. waiting line is 3 hours for each? how to visit quarter or it?
wow! amazing but so SO many ppl -_-" no express pass like in disney land? oh sony for u^^
wow,,,dis s absolutely great,,,,,nice,,,,gud job,,,,
nice trip you have man! I wish I can go shanghai for a trip... :D
wow. so great. sadly i m poor. no money go.
There are criticisms that Malaysia's exhibition is an exact version of local pasar malam. Lol.
Just visiting.
How to enjoy with so many people!!
Following your blog now. Hope you can visit mine too. www.meoramri.blogspot.com
Wah! So interesting la the expo. I wish to go but.....hmmm!
**Foot print**
Thanks for your visit!! Clicked ur adv as well, hope you never forget to click mine..!! :)
Nice trip..!! I wish i could travel to so many places like you...!
WOW...Shanghai expo...i wished to go there too :-)
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