KK Esplanade is 5 minute walk from Rainforest Lodge and you will see a big Sword Fish which is Kota Kinabalu Mascot at the esplanade.
Kota Kinabalu Mascot The Sword Fish

Kota Kinabalu Esplanade

The Esplanade has a fantastic sea view

The weather in Kota Kinabalu in the morning is very cloudy that day.
The esplanade is new.. looks very nice..
whats the swordfish suppose to represent?
Wooorrr....big sword fish :P
such a clam morning
I have never been to KK before.
Oh! I still remember that swordfish! I love KK!! : )
nice fish
that's a big fish . . . .
would pay KK a visit one day. . .
can cerita more on that swordfish ?
wow!! what a big sword g=fish you got there
Nice sword fish and sea view~ ^^
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