My star skyscraper and Large Rec rating goes from 3 star for 8 month then 4 star last month and this month is in full star, wonder why Leader board didn't get full star yet.

So right now I have to wait for 1 month to process my first pay cheque to arrive. So hopefully my next year earning will be more. Thank you all for coming in to read my blog.
rm100, that's a good amount!
keep it up! =)
congrats!hmm how u get that ha??i'm stil RM1.25...I start join nuffnang on nov 09...
wow, full 5 stars, I never get that O_O congratz~!!
kenwooi : thanks.
emencer : thank you.. hard work I think..:p u keep it up
araleling : thank you.. yeah but only 2 get full star still waiting the other 1 to get full star as well... cheers
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