Sacred Hearth Cathedral Sibu is on the biggest Church in Sibu and it located along Lanang Road.
Here is a few photos of the cathedral
The Statue of St. Joseph and baby Jesus

Mother Mary

Jesus Christ

The Archangel St. Michael our protector

Giant Jesus Christ Statue next to the cathedral

The copper statue of Jesus Christ and the two angel was install at the top of the clock tower not too long ago

closer look at the statue

The two angles

the Mother Mary statue was move from the glass enclosure to the clock tower

view of the cathedral from Eden Inn

dont know am talking over my head or not but from far the roof looks like got influence from other religion too.
wow, Sibu quite open-minded. :)
you really go travel ya? :D
btw, visit my blog & watch my blog's official trailer & comment. THX.
holidays? hahaha..or u're from sibu?:P
small kuching is so observant lol!
i used to stare at these statue in my school and my mind can be blank by just starring at the statue.
Sacred Heart Cathedral is very big and beautiful. However, I don't really like to have Sunday Mass in it. Hehe still prefer my hometown parish :)
JEMSEN: it's not about open-minded or not, it's about religious freedom :)
I always see this church if I happen to be at Sibu! LOL
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